Your Container
Your container can be pretty much anything and is only limited to your imagination. Just make sure there is adequate drainage for your plants. I love old buckets, discarded kitchen pots and baskets for a rustic feel. For a formal garden choose a more traditional container.
Regardless of your choice of container, make sure it's not to big or too small for your planting.
Your Soil
Do not use garden soil for your container plants. Garden soil is too heavy, dries out too quickly and will not provide the needed nutrients your container plants need. You can find good potting soil at your local garden center or you can mix your own.
To mix your own make sure you include soil, peat, sand and a slow release fertilizer.
You'll need to pay close attention to your container grown plants -- much more than plants in your garden beds. The soil will dry out more quickly so frequent watering it a must. You'll also need to fertilize more frequently. Water in the morning or evening whenever the soil is almost dry and water thoroughly until water comes out the bottom drainage holes.
One thing I really love about container gardening is mobility. If a particular grouping doesn''t work you can simply move your pots and change your garden design.
Have fun, experiment and be creative!
About the Author
Jill has been an avid gardener for the last 15 years. She faces the challenges of New Mexico's high desert at 6800 feet.Resource websites are http://www.bulbandseed.com and http://www.agardenwalk.com/
Jill has been an avid gardener for the last 15 years. She faces the challenges of New Mexico's high desert at 6800 feet.Resource websites are http://www.bulbandseed.com and http://www.agardenwalk.com/
Jill Dow
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